Maybe the restaurant's name was a clue. But being ambushed by images of degraded cartoon sex while you pee is no joke
The restaurant's name is Flesh & Buns. With a name like that I suppose we should have known better, though being a restaurant that specialises in steamed hirata buns, you'd be forgiven for thinking it pertained merely to the food. The porny-sounding restaurant is the teenage sister of an even pornier-sounding place in Soho called Bone Daddies.
It is the "hot new place", in a year of hot new places, of restaurants that twin things with other things, of champagne and hotdogs, and burgers with lobsters. Restaurants created for people who pretend their love of sharing food extends past Instagram.
Flesh & Buns had been enthusiastically reviewed in the Evening Standard, although less so by the Sunday Times, wherein AA Gill described it as horrible and depressing, its name a "single entendre", its menu a "mess".
And yet there we were for a Christmas do, and though the din was thick and heavy and the food was slow coming – which meant my buns were cold before they were filled – I was having a good time with my friends. Until I saw the cartoon porn, that was.
I sat on the toilet, as you do. And as I sat there in my paper cracker crown, I happened to look up and focus on the wall, and when I did I saw (and there's no delicate way of putting this) a picture of a large-breasted naked woman being penetrated by an octopus.
Being a sporadic reader of Fortean Times, I was aware of Hentai tentacle porn, sometimes called "tentacle rape" – apparently developed to bypass Japanese censorship laws forbidding the depiction of the penis, with examples dating back to the 19th century. But, unlike the stuff in the current British Museum exhibition entitled Shunga: sex and pleasure in Japanese art, this particular octopus, purple and corpulent and priapic as it was, was coated in a sheen of milky bodily fluids. It was hideous and disturbing and hilarious, and I laughed my head off.
But then I saw the rest. Because, in a gruesome expression of hipster irony, the whole toilet had been papered in Japanese manga porn. Sans octopus, the rest of it though. It was just women. Or girls. Because these cartoon sex dolls look pre-pubescent but for their humungous breasts.
Girls with huge eyes being bent over and "boned". Girls squeezing their breasts so hard it makes you wince. Girls crying. Girls with cartoon speech bubbles saying: "You've been holding back so long so be sure to let all of it out inside me." A friend told me that the other toilet was schoolgirl-themed, just to take the creepy to another level. I didn't stick around to find out.
It took me by surprise that, living as I do in a world saturated with sexualised images of women, cartoon representations would make me feel angry. But I did feel angry.
Perhaps it's because the ladies' loos are supposed to be "our" space, a private sphere where men and their junk, both literal and metaphorical, are not invited. I had not consented to look at these pictures. It felt as though they were saying: look what we can do with you, if we choose. Here it is, blown up and in your face, this degraded cartoon sexuality. Furthermore you will look at it, and you will like it, because we're all cool with this now.
Except, obviously, the meta-wallpaper wasn't really saying that. Cool doesn't make statements. "Hipster sexism", as it's been dubbed by various media outlets, thrives on irony, on that knowing repetition of age-old cliches, spoken in a drawling tone dripping with nonchalance and clove-flavoured fags. Hipster sexism, the post-post-feminism of Terry Richardson and American Apparel and Robin Thicke with his "big dick" that will "tear your ass in two": sex in sweatbands, with added spunk and sarcasm.
It's tongue in cheek, the manager said. (But whose tongue in whose cheek?)
I assume that around 50% of the restaurant's customers are women, and that almost all of them will have nipped to the loo at some point, so I'm wondering just how many of us have found ourselves confronted with the wall-to-wall surprise filth. Of course, some perhaps couldn't care less about the cartoon porn, while some might care much, much more.
Not that what any of us feel really matters, because it's all so achingly ironic and edgy, the sweaty, glorified street food and the rock'n'roll macho misogyny.
I am so, so sick of it. And you can call me humourless or Victorian or both, but I don't care. I want my hypothetical daughters to be able to eat out and shop and live in peace, without the unsolicited company of violently penetrated vaginas, and that includes the two-dimensional ones.
Like I said, the name should have been a clue. Flesh & Buns, I thought: that's what we are now, still, in 2013. Flesh and buns, and meat and fat; or cuts on a menu, birds, with "small breasts and huge thighs", sold at a premium by men to be consumed by men and by extension therefore, all of us, all the time.
Flesh and buns and meat and blood and bone, masticated and masturbated and washed down with bourbon.
The food was rubbish, by the way. But at least they don't serve octopus.